Flavio Barbiero

Flavio Barbiero
The Units of Time - Evidence for an ancient, advanced civilization

Flavio Barbiero is a retired admiral in the Italian Navy, whose last tour of duty was with NATO in Brussels. Graduated as an engineer, he spent most of his professional life in the development of military systems. This did not prevent him from cultivating a wide range of non-military activities both in the scientific and cultural fields. He organized two expeditions to Antarctica and wrote several books, ranging in subject from palaeo-climatology to biblical research. His interest in the Bible goes back several decades and his first book on the real story in the Bible was La Bibbia Senza Segreti (The Bible without Secrets), Rusconi, 1988.  It was inspired by  the discoveries of the great archaeologist Emmanuel Anati in the Negev desert, where the real Moses' Sinai has been identified. As an active member of Anati's  Centre of Prehistorical Research, he has participated since the '80s in its yearly archaeological expeditions in Israel.

In 2010, his book, The Secret Society of Moses: the Mosaic Bloodline and a Conspiracy spanning three Millennia,was published in the USA by Inner Traditions.
The Units of Time - Evidence for an ancient, advanced civilization

Other papers by Flavio Barbiero

2007 Quantavolution Conference in Kandersteg:

Changes of rotation axis of Earth afer astreoid/cometary impacts, and their geological effects

2008 Quantavolution Conference in Paris, Université Pierre-et-Marie Curie

Har-Harkom, the moutain of Yahweh

2009 Quantavolution Conference in Kandersteg, Switzerland

Space-Time as a field of mass - a proposal for a new model of physical reality 
Flavio Barbiero at the New Museum of the Acropolis Restaurant
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The grazian-archive site

Q-mag: the magazine of Quantavolution


Books by Flavio Barbiero (in english)

(in Italian)

Contact: m e t r o n a x @ g m a i l . c o mlundi 3 juin 2013